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Welcome! Glad you made it!

Here are some tidbits of info you may find helpful.


The cottages have DirecTV. To operate it, make sure you are using the white DirecTV remote. The black one next to the TV is for use only if you need to change settings on the TV itself. If you change the settings in order to use another device other than DirecTV, please be sure to reconnect the TV service back when you are done and return the settings to their original configuration.

The remote is programmed to work both the DirecTV receiver (located below the TV) and the TV itself. NOTE that the slide switch at the top-center must be in the left-hand position, and not on "TV". Pressing Power On should activate both units. If one or the other fails to come on, try turning it on from the front of the device itself. If that works, but the remote does not, it may mean that either the batteries are low or the remote needs reprogramming.

If both the TV and receiver appear to be on but the screen says "No Signal", it likely means that either a cable is disconnected or the TV is set to the wrong input. Find the "input" button on the remote and make sure it is set to "HDMI" or "HDMI-2". If you still are experiencing trouble, please contact us for assistance.

This TV system does not allow for pay-per-view, streaming, on-demand, DVR recording, or internet connection. Only certain channels are subscribed to. The most common ones are printed on the notice next to the TV. For a complete listing of all the channels, please refer to the following links:




Near the entrance to the facility there is a weather station which monitors and tabulates current conditions here on the ranch in real time. To view that data along with the current radar and extended forecast, CLICK THIS LINK



Q:  Coming soon

A:  Coming soon


Q:  Coming soon

A:  Coming soon


Copyright ©2023 W. M. Sattler Ranch Enterprises LLC, Canyon Lake, Texas. All rights reserved.
The name Point Creek Haven and the domain, as well as all associated webpages and photos, are property
of W. M. Sattler Ranch Enterprises LLC. Any use whatsoever without permission will be prosecuted.